About Me

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Top 16 Best Music Quotes

1. Songs are our emotions,
expressed in such a way
that only the soul can understand.
2.The more my heart breaks, the louder my music plays.

3. You learn a lot about people
when you listen to the songs
that mean something to them

4. Did you ever notice that there's a certain line in every song
sticks out because it reminds you of a person that you just can't forget?

 5."And in the end, the love you take
Is equal to the love you make..."

6.It's one of those days again,
When music is your only friend

7.Sometimes, I wish you'd pay
more attention to my favorite
because the lyrics sing
words i'm too scared to say

8. Music expresses that which cannot be said and what is impossible to keep silent .

9. Her favorite song will say more about her.
Than her mouth ever will.

10. Once in a while you find that one song which understands you perfectly. 

11. If a simple song makes you break down and cry, then you know you're losing it. 

12. There are songs that can make you sad and cry when you hear them...
but it's not actually the songs that makes you cry,
it's the people behind the memories that come...

13. MUSIC.....The only thing that I can love that won't break my heart. 

14. The best lyrics are the ones
that give you goosebumps
or make you cry in public
or help you realize the
a n s w e r s .

15. When I know I'm not feeling alright, music is always there to get me through the night. 

16. The music you listen to is what your mood might sound like if you could only hear it.  

Page source : The board of wisdom


Thursday, August 18, 2011

                                                                                page source: http://google.com

I love music so much....when I'm sick starting last Saturday night because of IT Congress, but I'm okay now...My healing or comforter is listening to the different kind of music in my cellphone that makes me feel better even thought I'm not feeling well...
In our boarding house,,,i borrow always the speaker of my board mate(lester),,,hehe..so that i can loudly hear my different favorite music and i feel so very happy...I know that all people love also music.,,that can be useful for our everyday life that makes us happy.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Other related topics to my blog that I LOVE to do is making POEMS.
Songs and Poems are related to each other because it is more on expressing people's EMOTION.

By: Rosalyn Onrada
(Axel Rose)

Out of the night that cover, my heart feeling inside;
Heart had heavy feelings, that I want to allege;
But don't know what to do, I want to be alone;
And can't keep those tears, that falling from my eyes.

There was a melody, comes from my lonely heart;
It was shaking my hands from the pain that's in my heart;
I badly want crawl, to my bed instead;
My heart beats slowing and the pains are growing.

It's very hard to breath, it's very hard to smile;
Deepest part agony, the pain that lives in me;
Please take my pain away, hate this feeling inside;
I don't want to suffer, I prefer to be die.

How I wish that my life, will be back from ardor;
My tears come from inside and my eyes are screaming;
My heart gonna stop from very much bleeding;
And the scars will stay, FOREVER and EVER.

Are you a music lover?

Are you a music a music lover?
My answer to that question is definitely, absolutely, precisely YES.
I love to listen to music/songs especially EMO songs when i suffer pain or sorrow that kills me softly. I listen and sing the song to express my EMOTIONAL feelings. And if I listen to my favorite songs, honestly I cried :(. But if I cried my feelings well become better.
And my usual habit when I'm in pain except listening to my favorite songs ay MAGLASLAS.
Honestly I made this last night,,,hehehe...

"AXEL R(//_+)SE 16"

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

All about R&B songs

Rhythm and blues, often abbreviated to R&B, is a genre of popular African American music that originated in the 1940s.[1] The term was originally used by record companies to describe recordings marketed predominantly to urban African Americans, at a time when "urbane, rocking, jazz based music with a heavy, insistent beat" was becoming more popular.

All about love songs

A love song is about falling in love and the feelings it brings. Anthologies of love songs often contain a mixture of both of these types of song.

All about alernative songs

Alternative Songs (formerly Modern Rock Tracks and Hot Modern Rock Tracks) is a music chart in the United States that has appeared in Billboard magazine since September 10, 1988. It lists the 40 most-played songs on modern rock radio stations, most of which are alternative rock songs. The chart was introduced as a companion to the Mainstream Rock Tracks chart and its creation was prompted by the explosion of alternative music on American radio in the late 1980s.
Alternative rock (also called alternative music, alt rock or simply alternative) is a genre of rock music that emerged in the 1980s and became popular in the 1990s.

Music saves my soul...

Music saves my soul because when i feel sad or depress i just listen to my favorite music or songs  and i feel better...

Emo Songs

"I love emo songs because it feels me better"
Most especially the songs of Secondhand Serenade i love it...

Emo is a style of rock music typically characterized by melodic musicianship and expressive, often confessional lyrics. It originated in the mid-1980s hardcore punk movement of Washington, D.C., where it was known as "emotional hardcore" or "emocore" and pioneered by bands such as Rites of Spring and Embrace.
Emo music is sub music ground of hard-care punk. Some people, however, think emo music does not exist. They fill that people just give it that name, when it's truly punk. 

More about Emo Music

Emo music is something that is rather ambiguously defined. It can be something that has heavy punk chords and influence such as what we've heard from the Sex Pistols, but it can also be something with soft melodic characteristics like what we've heard from the Cure. This is why emo is such a hard concept to define. It is an expression of emotion in some way.

Emotions can vary from angry to sad to happy, and emo music is an expression of those experiences as well as their range. When it comes to the emo music scene, there are many bands that may claim to be the founders of the cultural movement. However, you would have to look across the pond to gloomy England to find the real Kings of emo music. The Cure have been going strong now for over 20 years, writing songs that could make any 16 year old boy break into tears, even the football players. Their catchy guitar riffs and honest, emotional vocals have been mimicked by almost every emo artist to date. Another band from across the pond that has definitely influenced the emo music scene is Depeche Mode. They might be a primarily electronic band, but their moody lyrics and loner style has crept into every facet of the emo scene.

In recent years emo music has even moved away from the punk sound and many bands are starting to adopt more electronic elements to their sound. Death Cab for Cutie is a perfect example, whose lead singer Ben Gibbard also fronts the entirely electronic project the Postal Service. Emo Music is becoming very popular among teens.

Emo music got its roots from punk rock and the infusion of indie rock. The genre developed in the early 1980’s arguably from such influences as the Cure and Sunny Day Real Estate. In the 1990’s one example of Emo bands would be Fugazi or Texas Is the Reason. Texas Is the Reason is a more indie version of Emo while Fugazi is certainly punk. While a band like Modest Mouse might easily be mistaken for an Emo band because they are punk influenced, highly emotional, and extremely fashionable, they are not Emo. The reason is that their lyrics are more metaphors than straight forwardly emotional lyrics.

Lyrics that talk about crying in despair after a death in the family are Emo. The second lyrics do not leave the listener to wonder what is being expressed. The desert could be a reference to drying out from alcohol abuse or it could be a metaphor for death or bareness. Because there are different styles of Emo music such as emocore and screamo, what is Emo music is an ambiguous definition.

Loosely defined, Emo music is music that is highly emotional and very straightforward in the expression of that emotion. However, Emo music could be as potent and raging as something like what we hear from Suicidal Tendencies. The screaming anger and aggression that comes from Suicidal Tendencies is emotional just like Cat Power, but the delivery is much different. The important overarching theme here is in potent Emotions. Some of the contributions to the Emo scene in the last ten years have come from such artists as: Further Seems Forever, the Promise Ring, Benton Falls, or Army of Ponch.